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AZ1029, Baku, A.Gayibov 1222/22

Personnel certification in Azerbaijan

Personnel certification in Azerbaijan

In modern times, employees are the backbone of organizations, and the effectiveness and competitiveness of organizations is directly related to the competence of employees. However, in order to meet the expectations of employees and bring them to the required level of performance, organizations must regularly train their staff and effectively manage them. It is no coincidence that developed organizations and developed economies invest heavily in the education, training and development of workers. According to the Association for Talent Development (ATD) the average annual training cost per company is $ 1,252.

For this reason, the number of training companies and learning portals is constantly growing, both in Azerbaijan and in other countries. The large number of training companies not only has a positive impact on quality by increasing competition, but also creates difficulties in making choices. In this regard, we recommend that individuals and organizations seeking a training provider apply to official personnel certification bodies accredited by local or international authorities to make the right choice.

We would like to inform you that our company carries out personnel certification in accordance with the international standard ISO 17024: 2017, which is widely used around the world. At the end of the process, on the basis of certification schemes, the examination reveals the knowledge and skills of the staff in their professional activities, their demonstration and development opportunities. Examinations are conducted on the basis of criteria established for each position and profession.

Personnel certification allows an organization to determine the competence of its specialists.

CERTUS's "Training Center Management Systems and Personnel Certification Authority" organizes certification work, staff certification and relevant training on the basis of international standards.

Personnel certification in Azerbaijan
