E-mail: info@certus.az


AZ1029, Baku, A.Gayibov 1222/22

Gravel, sand, clay and kaolin

Gravel, sand, clay and kaolin

The following products are certified by CERTUS LLC in this category:

Decorative or building stones, Marble and other limestone for decorative or construction, Marble and travertine for decorative or construction, Other limestone for decorative or construction, alabaster, Granite for decorative and construction, sandstone and other stones, Monument and or granite for construction, Monument or sandstone for construction, Monument or other stone for construction, Limestone and gypsum, Limestone and gypsum, Natural and synthetic gypsum and anhydride, Limestone, Chalk and dolomite, Chalk and dolomite, Chalk, Non-dehydrated dolomite , Dehydrated and baked dolomite, Agglomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite)

Product certification - Certificate of conformity in Azerbaijan
