E-mail: info@certus.az


AZ1029, Baku, A.Gayibov 1222/22

Live poultry and their eggs

Live poultry and their eggs

The following products are certified by CERTUS LLC in this category:

Live poultry, Live birds, Ovarian chickens from the parent herd, Rooster from the parent herd, Laying hen from the parent herd Young laying hens from the parent herd, Chicken from the parent herd, Chicken from the parent herd, Eggs, Industrial herd Rooster from the industrial herd, Laying hen from the industrial herd, Young hen from the industrial herd, Chicken from the industrial herd, Chicken from the industrial herd, Egg-meat and meat chickens, Egg-meat and meat-meat rooster, Rooster-meat rooster spawning hens, ovary-meat and meat-laying young hens, ovaries-meat and meat-breeding chickens, ovaries-meat and meat-breeding broilers, ovaries-meat and meat-fattening chickens, turkeys, turkeys, turkeys chicken, turkey from 1 week to 2 weeks, turkey from 1 to 17 weeks d chicken, turkey for more than a week, turkeys in fattening, Other birds, live geese, geese, male goose, female goose, young goose from 1 week to 27 weeks, young meat goose from 1 week to 4 weeks, young in fattening goose, Ducks and goose chickens, Ducks, Male duck, Laying duck, Young duck, Duckling, Ducklings-broiler, Fattened ducks, Firang chicken, Firang rooster, Fresh-shelled eggs, Fresh-shelled hen eggs, old hen's egg, young hen's egg from the parent herd, old hen's egg from the industrial herd, young hen's egg from the industrial herd, ovary-meat and meat-aged old hen's egg, ovary-meat and meat-fed young hen's egg, eggs, goose eggs, duck eggs, other birds' eggs, laying eggs

Product certification - Certificate of conformity in Azerbaijan
